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Friday, January 21, 2011

How did the time slip away...

I can't believe it's the middle of January!  Poor little blog sitting here, waiting for some great recipes to share while I've been fighting little colds and some winter blues.  Both, I must tell you are buggers when it comes to cooking's just not there.  I know I promised you some Christmas goodies, but, to be honest, I hardly made any this year.  Just the Almond Chocoroons (gave you that recipe last year) and some Peppermint Patties (okay, those were delicious and I promise I will try to get the recipe up's one I adapted from a allergy cookbook).
Since you've been waiting so patiently for something to appear on here, how 'bout I share my recipe for gluten and dairy free Hot Cocoa?  Sound good?  I thought it might.

 Hot Cocoa (Gluten and Dairy Free...oh, and soy free, too)
1 container Vance's Dari-free (19.5 oz. container)
1 1/4 c. sugar
1/8 t. salt
3/4 c. cocoa powder (not processed)  I use Trader Joe's unsweetened cocoa powder.  Do NOT use a regular Hershey's cocoa powder, it doesn't dissolve well.  Oh, note...I like my cocoa very chocolatey, if you don't like it very choloclatey, use less cocoa, maybe 1/2 c.
In a very large bowl mix all ingredients.  Pour into a seal-able container.  To make hot cocoa: 8oz. of hot water + 1/4 c. of cocoa mix.  Drink and enjoy!
This is a very good alternative for us.  It's already hit the spot after sledding at least twice...yum!  Vance's DariFree isn't cheap (close to $10 a container), but buying a gluten and dairy free cocoa mix (if and when you can find one) isn't cheap either.  In the long run, this one is worth the little bit extra we pay so we can enjoy one of our wintertime favorites.  So, if there's some snow in your forecast, better get busy, looks like it might be time for a cup of cocoa!
Happy Eating (or drinking cocoa in this case)!