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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Purex Fels-Naptha Review

First of all, if you are anything like me, you've never heard of this product.  I guess it's been around for many, many years, but it was new to me.  I am, personally the queen of spills and stains on clothing, so when the opportunity to try a new stain remover came up, I jumped at the opportunity!
Normally, I use Shout Advanced Spray (which I LOVE), but I gave the bar a try.  I have to say, I'm not sure I'm sold on the bar (probably because it's easy for me to forget about or misplace since it's small).  I don't think the Fels-Naptha bar will become my go to stain remover.
I do have something I want to try in the future with the Fels-Naptha bar.  A friend posted this laundry recipe on her Facebook page last week and I was surprised to see that it uses the Fels-Naptha bar.  I can't wait to try it out!