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Friday, May 17, 2013

Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Toilet Care Review

I have a new product to review today (thanks to Purex Insiders).  I received a full size pack of the Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Toilet Care cleaner.  If you're like me, the toilet is really the last thing you want to clean, but it's probably the thing in the house that needs to get cleaned the most!
I was excited to try this product out and see just how it worked and compared to other toilet cleaners I've used before.  I put it on the toilet myself, didn't require any assistance, so that was a good thing.  It kept the bowl pretty clean for the one month that it was supposed to last.  I've had some other cleaners that probably kept the bowl a little bit cleaner, but it wasn't a huge difference between the two.
What didn't we like?  The smell.  Even my husband complained about the smell (and he doesn't usually complain about that stuff).  The first couple of weeks after putting this on the toilet bowl, the bathroom smelled rather "chemically" which was not pleasant.  The smell was so strong that I doubt we would use this particular variety again.  Perhaps a different scent or if they came out with an unscented one, we'd definitely try an unscented one.  For now though, I suppose it's back to scrubbing the old fashioned way for us.

Disclaimer: I received a free Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Toilet Care package to try in my home in exchange for a review of the product with my honest opinion.  All opinions here are strictly my own.

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