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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Time4Learning Review

So, as you may recall, we were trying out the online curriculum from Time4Learning.  We tested the material for one month free of charge (in exchange for an honest review).  After our trial period, we found that it was not a good fit for us.  The curriculum is pretty good, just not a fit.  I'll break it down in the pros and cons of the program.
Lots of resources
Easy tracking and grading of lessons
Lots of parent tools
Ready for you lesson plans
Can be used as curriculum or support lessons
Online access
You can start and stop whenever you choose

Cost - $19.95 a month (not a horrible price, but if you only use a little bit of the curriculum for support lessons, then the price is a little high)
Science curriculum is secular, not Christian - this really bugged my son
Online access (I know, I listed this as a pro, it's both really)  I can be bad about remembering to log in to things online, certainly not Time4Learning's fault, just a reality for our family. Plus, my son really missed physical books to hold and expressed that preference to me.

So, my overall opinion of Time4Learning is that it seems to be a solid curriculum.  It is not a Christian or Biblical based curriculum, which is more in line with what we teach in our home.  There are a lot of things to see and do at their site (I don't think I even got to half of it).  Even though there are several things that I really like about Time4Learning, it isn't the right fit for our family. My son just did not embrace the idea of doing school online. I want to thank Time4Learning for the opportunity to try out their program and I would recommend you look around their site and see what they offer, it might be a great fit for your family! - Online interactive curriculum for home use, PreK-8th Grade

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