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Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Yard Sale

Well, we finally had a long awaited yard sale. I say long awaited because it's really kind of our "moving " sale, but we've been here almost a year now.
We had the sale both Friday and Saturday and my friend, Dottie brought her stuff and joined us. The weather turned out to be just perfect for a yard sale and we didn't have much competition, due to planning on my part. Past experience has taught me a thing or two about yard sales. I have learned that people love yard sales, but most people have a yard sale in the late spring or summer. If you wait until after school starts or a bit later, most your competition has already had their yard sale, but people still want to yard sale. That means they flock to yours. That means money for you.
We had a lot of people in our garage this weekend. Which reminds me of the other thing I have learned from experience with yard sales. People WANT to spend money at your yard sale, so make sure you have something for them to buy. I usually have hot dogs and homemade cookies, pop and chips for sale. You'd be surprised how many people can't find any of my stuff they want to buy, but they'll buy a snack from me!
Ian did his usual job of trying to sell to everyone who came to the sale on Friday. Saturday, Dottie brought two of her children, so he was busy.
I think Colin spent half of our profit on stuff the neighbor brought over to sell at our sale. He bought a weed eater and a horrible orange recliner, which he is in trouble for buying. If I had wanted a horrible orange recliner, we could have had one for free from his parents. I suppose now I must hunt for a not so horrible recliner to replace the horrible one. Ugh! A new quest.

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